home owners fit UPVC windows

home owners fit UPVC windows

Many of the largest double glazing companies now recommend that home owners fit UPVC windowshome owners fit UPVC windows

to the properties if they are upgrading their homes and want to save money on their energy bills. When it comes to costs, UPVC does work out a lot cheaper than other materials like aluminium or timber, so this is a huge advantage if your house has a lot of windows in it. As for maintenance, UPVC window frames are a lot easier to keep clean and are very low maintenance. It does not rot, rust or fade and can be wiped down with a damp cloth.
It is one of the most durable materials around today, it is incredibly strong, resilient and tough. As such most companies offer extended warranties of up to ten years. These days home security is a real issue that most home owners have to take very seriously, and UPVC windows, because they are so tough, make it very hard for burglars to get into a house. Therefore, windows made out of this material, are almost as secure as aluminium windows. Of course, one of the biggest advantages of having them fitted to your home, is the fact that they insulate it so well, providing the best heat and energy insulation on the market today.
UPVC windows can be purchased in a variety of colours, which means you can keep the character of a home. However, if you live in a listed property, you might need to check with your local council to see if they would let you fit UPVC windows to your property.